Annunciators & Keypads
Lamp Driver Module
The LDM Series lamp driver modules with a custom graphic display, provides annunciation and control for Fire Lite’s intelligent fire alarm control panels
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The LDM Series lamp driver modules, when combined with a custom graphic display, provide annunciation and control for Fire Lite’s intelligent fire alarm control panels. These modules use a serial communications interface, and may be located up to 6,000 feet from the panel. The Lamp Driver Module LDM-32F has 32 alarm lamp/LED driver outputs which sink current to system common (–) on activation. A single positive (+) voltage is required to supply total operating power for all lamps or LEDs when all drivers are activated. The LDM-32F provides a separate driver for system trouble and inputs for a local lamp test switch. A maximum of 16 external control switches may be wired to the LDM-32F. DIP switch SW3 is used to enable or disable the on board piezo, enable remote switch functions, select a flashing LED function for new alarms and troubles, and other functions. Switch SW4 is used to configure the module to annunciate 32 alarms or 16 troubles. A green ON LINE LED flashes to indicate ongoing communications with the host FACP. One LDM-32F supports up to 3 LDM-E32F modules. The LDM-32F is supplied with 4 standoffs and screws for mounting to a CHS-4L chassis or custom back box.
Features & Benefits:- Alarm/circuit ON and Trouble lamp/LED per-point option, or more dense alarm-only option (field selectable)
- Control switch option for remote control per point
- System trouble lamp/LED signal
- On-line/power LED indicator
- Alarm and trouble resound with flash of new conditions
- Local sounder for both alarm/circuit-on and trouble conditions with silence/acknowledge switch connection
- Serial EIA-485 interface for reduced installation costs
- Microprocessor-controlled electronics, fully supervised
- Plug-in terminal blocks for ease of installation and service
- Trouble monitor option for remote power supplies
- UL Listed: S2424
- ULC Listed
- MEA Listed: 317-01-E
- CSFM: 7300-0075:0160
- FM Approved
- City of Chicago approved: Class 1, Class 2
- City of Denver approved
- Brand
- Brand
- Brand : NOTIFIER
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