Power Supplies
4-way Splitter Unit (EVCS)
The 4-way splitter unit allows up to 4 stand-alone disabled toilets to be monitored in one specific area. Staff can then at the designated area such as a reception or security desk react to an alarm swiftly and efficiently
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The 4-way splitter unit allows up to 4 stand-alone disabled toilets to be monitored in one specific area. Staff can then at the designated area such as a reception or security desk react to an alarm swiftly and efficiently. The EVCS-TASP4/P Power Supply Unit forms part of the EVCS-TAP Emergency Assist Alarm System.
Features & Benefits:- Designed to comply with all regulations and recommendations
- High visibility
- More than one 4 way splitter can be used
- Small compact design
- Up to 4 disabled toilets monitored in one area
- Uses blue LEDs to avoid confusion
- Visibility to remote staffed areas
- No mains or Power Supply Unit (PSU) required at each disabled
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