Agency Listings
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Underwriters Laboratory
UL provides Fire-Lite listings on You can search the UL Online Certifications Directory.
Factory Mutual (FM)
Visit Factory Mutual's Web-based Approval Guide (registration required) which contains up-to-date information about FM-Approved and tested products. It also includes essential engineering data and technical information on the application and use of listed products.
Go to the listings.
In order to make sure we provide everyone with the most up-to-date CSFM listing documents we would like to direct you to the website.
Search Suggestions: On their site, there are three drop downs: Category, Company, and Listing.
We would suggest that you ignore the first dropdown, "Category". In the second drop down, "Company," select 0075 -- FIRE-LITE ALARMS INC. Ignore the third drop down and just click the "search" button.
After the results are displayed, do a "control F" to initiate a "find" and then type in the Fire-Lite model number you're interested in finding. This should make it a little easier to find the documents of interest.
Includes scanned MEA listings. For more information about MEA listings, visit the New York City Department of Buildings web site.
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Fire-Lite Alarms by Honeywell announces International Building Code (IBC) seismic certification has been achieved for many popular addressable and conventional fire alarm systems. Systems of high importance in “essential facilities” now require seismic certification depending on their geographic region.
Seismic kits are easily installed on Fire-Lite products to achieve the IBS rating.