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Sie durchsuchen den Produktkatalog für
Maximize Building Performance
Rather than having to perform your own analysis on raw data, the Sylk Actuator Analytics shows you what you need to know, when you need to know it. Learn how you can use Sylk in your next project.
When you track the health of each actuator, you can further optimize the performance of your system, and the service-life of your equipment. Check out how Honeywell helped this customer access information like never before.
Sylk Actuators Whitepaper
Go beyond preventative maintenance and get predictive analytics with Sylk Actuators.
Sylk Enabled Wall Modules
A Zio Wall Module for every bid. Keep occupants comfortable, give facility teams control and help buildings operate more efficiently.
Diamond Actuator – Sylk Enabled
The Honeywell Diamond Spring Return Actuator provides powerful performance in a compact and intelligent package, for fast and easy installation.
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