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- Energy Savings with Military Precision
Energy Savings with Military Precision
27 January 2019
A U.S. military base in South Korea could see more than $1 million a year in energy savings with connected buildings solutions by Honeywell.
Thousands of people live and work at Kunsan Air Base on the Yellow Sea. The site presents unique challenges because of its location, the fact that it is a military installation and the variety of environments, all with differing energy needs. An air base won’t want go offline to update its systems, but it also can’t afford to waste money or resources because of dated equipment.
Honeywell is taking on a $28 million project to modernize Kunsan’s infrastructure from top to bottom. Everything, from lighting to toilets will be updated and improved to help maximize reliability and efficiency. Honeywell will help upgrade building controls and centralize management through Honeywell’s Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI), an integrated platform that ties together building systems for centralized monitoring and control. EBI will help enhance mission readiness and resiliency at the base by delivering a single point of control and enabling real-time decision making. EBI will also provide insights to help operators more quickly identify operational issues, and it will also help optimize energy demand and efficiency by providing equipment scheduling capabilities.
“The changes and updates we’re able to provide Kunsan aim to not only improve its mission readiness but help to improve the quality of life and work environment for the brave men and women on the base,” said John Rajchert, president, Honeywell Building Solutions. “The upgraded solutions and better visibility into building level energy usage will help Kunsan greatly improve its environmental impact and fuel usage, helping it to be more energy resilient in its remote location.”
Honeywell has completed similar projects for several other military bases as well as hospitals, schools and small businesses. Click here for more information on how Honeywell can help improve energy efficiency in your buildings.
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International, Inc.
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