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- Honeywell Updates Pro-Watch® Connected Security Platform to Help Users Increase Productivity and Reduce Costs
Honeywell Updates Pro-Watch® Connected Security Platform to Help Users Increase Productivity and Reduce Costs
7 January 2019
Honeywell announced the launch of Pro-Watch® 4.5, the latest iteration of its flagship connected security platform for enterprise and critical infrastructure markets, is available beginning January 2019. Incorporating new features as well as program updates, Pro-Watch 4.5 meets the latest industry compliance requirements, reduces total cost of ownership and increases operator productivity with improved flexibility and scalability from single site to global deployment.
New key features include:
- Web-Based Alarm and Event Handling: improves operator efficiency, enhances user experience and reduces installation costs through an easily deployable thin client;
- Access and Vendor Management Portals: provides functionality unavailable from other Physical Access Control Systems and allows operators to accomplish more with fewer dollars by reducing workloads by 20 percent or more; and
- New Enterprise Tools: simplifies setup and maintenance of Pro-Watch Enterprise deployments to further reduce operating costs.
Pro-Watch 4.5 also includes program updates to its current Vendor and Access Management Portals, installation process and overall performance.
Pro-Watch 4.5 serves as the center of a connected ecosystem that integrates both Honeywell and third-party solutions to provide a comprehensive connected security platform that meets the unique security needs of each user. Its unmatched compliance offers regulated industries the tools needed to adhere to the most stringent requirements for any industry. It is well suited for enterprise and critical infrastructure environments across a variety of industries including education, pharmaceutical, utilities and financial.
WEBSITE: https://www.honeywellintegrated.com/products/integrated-security/sms/
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International, Inc.
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