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- Honeywell Goes Wireless With Latest Inncom E-Series Thermostat
6 January 2020
- Latest e-Series thermostat now available in a wireless model to deliver installation convenience for hoteliers and more tailored comfort for guests
- New model offers a more versatile solution that reduces complexity in most HVAC applications, reducing in-room costs 25–40% with smart occupant detection
ATLANTA, March 3, 2020 – Honeywell (NYSE: HON), a global leader in connected buildings, is expanding its INNCOM e-Series energy management thermostats to include a battery-powered model for quick and flexible installation. The e7w Wireless EMS Thermostat is equipped with built-in occupancy, temperature and humidity sensors that can help hoteliers save 25-40% on guestroom HVAC energy usage1 when part of an INNCOM networked Energy Management System (EMS).
While a networked EMS can help hoteliers improve their bottom line, the e7w’s advanced EMS offers continuously optimized climate control for guests through passive infrared sensors (PIR) technology. Together, it offers hoteliers a comprehensive, scalable energy management and hospitality IoT platform.
The e7w has a battery life of two years and enables easy installation, providing hoteliers up to $50 in labor cost savings per room by eliminating the need to pull wires. The thermostat’s wireless design also allows it to be placed virtually anywhere in a guestroom, allowing for precise occupancy detection while also creating more opportunities for accessible temperature control, making it ideal for challenging applications such as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) designed rooms.
With a user-friendly interactive design and an easy to read keypad, the e7w thermostat delivers real-time data when deployed in a networked application for INNCOM’s INNcontrol™ 3 or INNcontrol™ 5 system. This allows hoteliers to access and track data on room occupancy status, energy usage, equipment alarm reporting, as well as integrate to a major property management system (PMS) among other systems.
“The robust and versatile e7w wireless thermostat is designed to help hoteliers proactively manage the environments of their guestrooms using rich data to meet energy efficiency goals,” says Christian Leclerc, general manager, INNCOM by Honeywell. “From its optimized in-room climate control to its wireless design that enables easier installation, the e7w will help hoteliers strike a balance between optimal energy savings and the most comfortable in-room experience for guests.”
Featuring on-board wireless ZigBee® connectivity, the e7w also provides users with an attractive guest touchpoint for an in-room Integrated Room Automation System (IRAS), a hospitality IoT platform that supports an extensive range of INNCOM and other third-party technologies, including lighting, drapery, amenities and other IoT integrations. The e7w is powered by four (4) AA batteries. Learn more about the e7w Wireless EMS Thermostat and its capabilities here.
With its connected building solutions, Honeywell designs, installs, integrates and maintains the systems that help keep hotel and facilities safe and secure, comfortable, productive and energy efficient. For more than 30 years, hotel owners have trusted INNCOM technology to deliver comfort, energy savings and peace of mind in nearly two million hotel rooms around the world.
- INNCOM data based on HVAC runtime reduction from a PMS-integrated EMS vs. ETM (traditional thermostat mode) in hotels with an average occupancy and <500 rooms.
About Honeywell
Honeywell Building Technologies (HBT) is a global business with more than 23,000 employees. HBT creates products, software and technologies found in more than 10 million buildings worldwide. Commercial building owners and occupants use our technologies to ensure their facilities are safe, energy efficient, sustainable and productive. For more news and information on Honeywell Building Technologies, visit http://www.honeywell.com/newsroom.
Honeywell (www.honeywell.com) is a Fortune 100 technology company that delivers industry-specific solutions that include aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings and industry; and performance materials globally. Our technologies help aircraft, buildings, manufacturing plants, supply chains, and workers become more connected to make our world smarter, safer, and more sustainable. For more news and information on Honeywell, please visit www.honeywell.com/newsroom.
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International, Inc.
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