
    Preparing for the new normal in your facility.

    COVID-19 is rewriting the operating instructions for your building. It may be forcing you to run your entire building by remote. Create flexible spaces. Protect your air flow. Look at sustainability in new ways. Whatever you’re facing, we’re ready, with scalable, system-agnostic solutions. Join us for a week of informative virtual sessions that cover a variety of topics all designed to connect you to your peers, understand the current environment and map out a way forward as we navigate this new normal together.


    Healthcare & Pandemic Response – Preparing For The New Normal

    From a disaster to pandemic, ensuring your healthcare facility stays operational and navigates the future

    Healthy Buildings – Ensure Your Facility Is Thriving & Healthy in The New Normal

    From the airport mega hub to the commercial office, we will focus on how to use technology to assess your facilities' health to ensure a #HealthyBuilding

    Ensuring Operational Sustainability & Resilience

    This track will focus on how technology is being used to transform facilities into sustainable and resilient information powerhouses.

    Digital transformation in a Hyper Connected World

    The world is taking up digital like never before, this track will focus on the smart city and data center of the future and how you can keep your business cyber secure.

    On Demand- The Virtual Innovation Center

    Watch virtual demonstrations of all of the new innovative building technology to help you transform your facility into an integrated, healthy & profitable asset

    On Demand: Vertical Industry Breakouts

    Hear more about new technology & innovations, and hear thought leadership from peers from across your industry in our vertical breakout space.