Interface Cards
High-Speed Network Communication Modules
High-Speed Network Communication Modules provides high speed data communications.
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High-Speed Network Communication Modules provides NOTIFIER’s AFP-2800, and AFP-3030 Fire Alarm Control Panels, NCA-2 Network Control Annunciators, and DVC Digital Voice Command with a means to connect to High-Speed NOTI
• NET™.
Six types of HS-NCM are available: HS-NCM-W for connecting nodes with twisted-pair wire for connecting nodes with multi-mode fibre-optic cable, for connecting nodes with single-mode fibreoptic cable, for connecting wire and multi-mode fibre-optic medium on the same network
Each HS-NCM can accommodate up to two node addresses.
For example, one HS-NCM can provide network communication for both an AFP-3030 and an NCA-2. When not connected to a fire alarm panel, the HS-NCM defaults to repeater mode and can be used to boost signal distances or to pass data transmissions between two differently configured network segments when wire and fibre co-exist on a network.
Features & Benefits:- Open or Closed network operation
- Two network ports to allow simultaneous connection to fire alarm control panel and to programming computer
- Transformer coupling provides electrical isolation between nodes
- Pluggable terminal wiring with strain relief
- Pluggable service connector in the event that power must be removed from a node
- 12 Mb transmission rate
- Data is regenerated at each node
- Enables software and database upload/ download over High-Speed NOTIFIRENET™
- Up to 915 m between nodes in a point-topoint fashion
Data Sheet
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