2A Contact Relay Base for 300 Series
Honeywell's System Sensor provides Relay Bases for 300 series have been designed for use with 1151E/2151E or 300 series detector heads.
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Honeywell's System Sensor provides Relay Bases for 300 series have been designed for use with 1151E/2151E or 300 series detector heads. They are designed to operate both in 2 and 4 wire systems, with screw terminals provided for power and remote annunciator connection. Relay contact provided through wires (Grey, Pink, Violet, White, Green and Brown). The circuit built into the base provides current limiting to the detector in the alarm state. The relay is controlled directly from the detector and therefore as the detector is latched in alarm, so will be the base. For the B312/2RL latching relay base, the alarm condition can be terminated by removal of the supply to the detector or base.
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