Heat Detectors
Conventional Fire Detector
The Conventional Fire Detectors by Esser are coventional 9000 series fire detector and are automatic detector with high reliability for mid-sized and smaller objects .
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The Conventional Fire Detectors by Esser are coventional 9000 series fire detector. The series 9000 automatic limit value detectors are used in objects with smaller and mid-sized amounts of valuable assets. Up to 30 series 9000 fire detectors can be connected to standard groups of fire alarm control panels.
Features & Benefits:- Detector series connectable to all Esser FACPs
- Detector series connectable with third-party control panels
- All detectors can be combined on common primary line
- Up to 30 detectors connectable per detector group
- Low quiescent current
- Large operating voltage range- Protected against polarity reversal
- External series indicator: white print for smoke detectors, green print with white sign for heat detectors
- Simplified installation
- Vds
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