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Stay protected with System Upgrade Support
NOTIFIER provides upgrade program to enable facilities to upgrade ageing systems
Fire prevention is a serious concern for many facilities. Because of this, fire alarm systems are one of the most critical systems in terms of building safety and code compliance. However, like most other building components, your fire alarm system won’t last forever and technology is advanced to provide better functions in Fire Alarm Control Panels and better detection technologies. Is it time for you to upgrade your fire alarm system?
The Importance of upgrading your outdated fire alarm systems
As Notifier AFP- 2800 FACP and it's components reaches the end of their lifecycle, your buildings are facing several critical risks by not replacing your fire alarm panels:
- Disruption of Business Continuity with Unplanned Significant Downtime
- Inability to continually service the system with no spare parts available
- Increasing difficulty and cost of maintaining the over 20 Years -Old -Systems
- Potential Exposures to Life Safety Risk
Don't let these risks jeopardise your business, Join the webinar to explore the benefits of replacing to the latest AFP-3030 system.
Notifier Onyx AFP-3030
Notifier Onyx AFP-3030 was designed to be backward compatible with Notifier AFP-2800 systems and is the dedicated FACP for replacements or extensions. The purpose of the Notifier ONYX Life Cycle Replacement program is to assist you to assess existing Notifier AFP-2800 system environment, provide an upgrade strategy and points out how to modularize the upgrade for minimum disruption to the operation.While your systems may continue to operate beyond their end-of-life date, making sure your Fire Alarm System are updated is critical to your building operations.
Discover how you can improve the fire safety of your building and keep your investment on solid ground by upgrading your fire systems to the Latest AFP-3030.
Upgrade now
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Australia - 1300 368 755
New Zealand - 0800 202 088
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