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Continuously Develop with HONEYWELL CONVERSATIONS

Arm yourself with information and training on the latest code and industry knowledge. We are offering you informative education sessions.

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Members of Engineers Australia can claim this activity towards their Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Honeywell Conversations on Upgrading Advanced Detection

Hundreds of thousands Aspirating Smoke Detectors (ASD) installed worldwide operating continuously for well over 10 years. As these systems age, they face increased risks of unplanned failures, higher maintenance costs, and frequent service disruptions, particularly if they have not been adequately maintained or have accumulated long-term contamination. Join our webinar to understand the advantages of ensuring your ASDs are up-to date.

The Importance of upgrading your outdated fire alarm systems

As Notifier AFP- 2800 FACP and it's components reaches the end of their lifecycle, your buildings are facing several critical risks by not replacing your fire alarm panels:

  • Disruption of Business Continuity with Unplanned Significant Downtime
  • Inability to continually service the system with no spare parts available 
  • Increasing difficulty and cost of maintaining the over 20 Years -Old -Systems
  • Potential Exposures to Life Safety Risk

Don't let these risks jeopardise your business, Join the webinar to explore the benefits of replacing to the latest AFP-3030 system.

Honeywell Conversations on ECS-16

AS4428.16 is the latest product standard that addresses Emergency Warning Systems protecting building occupants. This standard incorporates a number of enhancements to suit fire and other emergency conditions which commonly occur in modern buildings. Learn how advancements in technology enable networked systems, enhance efficiency and save costs.

Stop Fires in Waste Recycling

As the industry is impacted by lithium-ion device disposal and developments in better and more effective recycling practices, now more than ever, it is important to ensure reliable and effective protection in this challenging environment. Join our webinar to learn about current best practices in protecting waste recycling facilities from fire.

AS1670.1 Understand The Key Changes

AS1670.1 brought in significant changes to the elements of Fire System design and installation which have been further developed by the recent Amendment 1, which came into force with the adoption of the NCC on May 1 2023.

Maximise Your Operational Efficiency with CLSS

Leverage the power of software with Honeywell’s Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS). Discover how this industry-leading technology can deliver your installation and service business optimised operational efficiency.

Aspirated Smoke Detection Solution For Carpark With Jet Fans

Carparks present unique challenges for fire detection, discuss how to design an aspirating smoke detection system successfully. “Jets Fans creates poor visibility and can compromise your Fire Protection in the event of a fire. We’ll explain how VESDA takes care of this.”.

Protecting Renewable Energy Installations Against Lithium-Ion Battery Fires

With increasing global deployment of renewable energy assets there is an unprecedented requirement for Battery Energy Storage Systems with LiBs (Lithium Ion Batteries). However LiBs pose a challenge which traditional suppression and smoke detection systems fail to address.

Is your Warehouse protected against fire risks? - Speaker Design for Warehouses & Open space

Learn the Importance changes of Australian Standards (AS1670) toward warehouse speaker design; essential factors for designing the Emergency Intercom Control and Indication Equipment systems and how to calculate the correct Sound pressure level depending on type, power and installation height of speakers, using speakers in a challenging environment.

How to Prevent Lithium-ion Battery Fires - Li-ion Tamer Gen3 Off-Gas Detector

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are becoming the energy storage technology of choice for data centers as they are fundamental to the ongoing transition to energy efficiency. ­ There are clear benefits to using Li-ion batteries in data centers, but there are also potentially major downsides.

The Future of Fire Protection: Warehousing and Logistics

Now, more than ever, it is important to mitigate risks and minimise disruptions. Protecting supply chains from unexpected shocks through ensuring an uninterrupted flow of inventory and prioritising effective expenses is an undeniable challenge.

Honeywell Conversations on Referencing

The emerging use of AI and the accelerated migrations to cloud technology fuels the demand for data processing. Data centers now, more than ever, need to operate at maximum efficiency. "Free air cooling" is one way to keep data center operational costs down but this can lead to nuisance fire alarms from external sources. Join us for this Honeywell Conversations Webinar to learn how VESDA reference detection can reduce nuisance fire alarms for your data center clients.

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