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Opus Magnum Software Suite

Integrated technology to help keep energy expenses low

Energy is probably one of your company’s biggest operating expenses. And electric and natural gas rates have increased multiple times in the last 20 years. But with the right solution, energy is a manageable expense.

Opus Magnum is the building and energy management system that connects all generations of Novar controllers in addition to third-party devices so that you can leverage the investment you’ve already made. It provides an intuitive interface to monitor and control HVAC, lighting, refrigeration and sensor devices across your enterprise.

Opus Magnum is powerful. It’s an open system, so you can leverage the investment in equipment you’ve already made.

Opus Magnum makes the right information available to the right decision maker from a single, extensible platform.

Access and control across your portfolio

System integration

These days, more and more multisite enterprises depend on smart systems to manage and control critical operations. Connecting to, communicating with, and controlling these systems is vital to making all your sites as efficient and profitable as possible.

An extensible platform, Opus Magnum is designed to remove those hurdles. It integrates your devices regardless of the manufacturer or communication protocol (LonWorks®, BACnet® or MODBUS®), preserving the investments you’ve already made in control and monitoring devices.

Enterprise management

Now, multisite owners and operators can centrally manage thousands of sites that span a large geographic area. With Opus Magnum enterprise software applications, users can broadcast schedule and control setting changes across an entire enterprise from a central location.

These applications even allow you to collect, store, and analyze interval data from multiple facilities, so you have the energy consumption patterns and trends you’ll need to optimize your energy savings programs and reduce operating costs.

Centraline products
Centraline products

Four powerful Opus Magnum Software applications

Opus Magnum Supervisor is an enterprise application designed to connect thousands of building level automation systems into a single Opus Magnum BAS.

Opus Magnum Supervisor includes data collection services to collect BAS alerts and point histories with batch functionality that enables central management of system parameters. Opus enables you to initiate control setting and schedule changes across an entire portfolio in minutes.

Opus Magnum Architect is a powerful graphical engineering toolset designed for rapid application development and deployment. Architect also allows for remote access and monitoring. It is included with the Opus Supervisor application.

The Opus Magnum Data Aggregator enables the collection of data from 3rd party or other Non-Opus devices into the Opus Magnum Supervisor.

After successful import, alarm and history data will be collected from Logic One devices and then made viewable from the Opus Magnum Supervisor. Advanced functionality, such as batch set-point and schedule changes, is also possible.

Typically required for larger deployments with higher data collection requirements or for the management of energy meters, Opus Magnum Data Manager helps provide scalability in deployments by managing alarm, history and energy data.

Opus Magnum Data Manager (ODM) is designed to offload functions related to managing alarms, history and energy data from the Opus Magnum Supervisor. ODM collects data directly from Opus Magnum Executives in addition to compatible Modbus TCP/IP meters and
writes the data to the designated database(s).

Ready to evolve energy management across your enterprise?

With Opus Magnum, you can leverage your existing equipment and continue to scale while maintaining enough flexibility to meet your needs at the site level. For more reasons why Opus Magnum is right for you, speak to a Honeywell Multisite representative.