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Who we serve

We’re strong in many multisite industries

If you’re a company with multiple locations in the Retail, Grocery or Entertainment industry, you might already know what impact our solutions have had on those industries. In fact, we are the preferred energy solutions provider to major US theatre chains. Do you know we helped retailers cut energy use by 30%? Or did you know we created patented refrigeration systems for grocery stores? That’s what we did for those industries, but we have also expanded into others, such as C-stores and restaurants. What could we do for you?


According to the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, a 10% reduction in energy costs for the average full-line discount retailer can boost net profit margins by as much as 1.55%* Honeywell Multisite solutions have gone even further, helping some retailers cut energy costs by up to 30%.

You’d think that achieving such a high level of efficiency would be enough. But over the course of 50 years, we’ve helped retailers significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and, in the process, gain the expertise to support Energy Star, Green Building and LEED projects. And today we are fine-tuning our technology to centrally manage HVAC and lighting systems for retail businesses spanning multiple locations.

*, the official site of Energy Star, a joint program of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy.


The profit margins for retail grocery companies are already thin, and the challenges of owning and managing their facilities are only increasing. Getting control of energy and maintenance costs, and keeping that control, is a constant battle— even for the best-run chains.

For supermarket refrigeration control systems, we created two innovations. First was a method of refrigeration case synchronization for compressor optimization. And the second was a method of refrigeration case control. We’ve earned two patents for these innovations and today have over 10,000 refrigeration controllers installed in over 4,500 stores worldwide.


Holistic thinking is what helped Honeywell Multisite become the preferred energy solutions provider to major movie theater chains across the US. We integrated our energy management system with their ticketing, point-of-sale applications and advanced lighting systems. Our entertainment expertise has also enabled us to develop customized applications that meet the needs of fitness centers, bowling alleys and other venues.

Why choose Honeywell Multisite?

We’re multisite market specialists. While other building control and services companies use a "one-size-fits-all" approach to buildings, Honeywell Multisite technology, installation, integration and services are designed from the ground up. We solve problems for operators who manage hundreds or even thousands of sites.

We’re part of Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell has a long history of innovation in industries such as Aerospace, Performance Materials & Technologies, Safety & Productivity Solutions and, of course, Building Technologies, of which Honeywell Multisite is a part of.

We’ll tailor solutions to meet your needs. You may require just one key element of a solution or an entire turnkey project. Whatever it may be, our approach will always meet your current needs and we’ll be there to partner with you for your future needs.