
The Power Of Displayed Information Encourages Good Energy Saving Behaviour

Helping our future generations see the part they play in good energy management practices.

Children, just like adults, need to be informed of the ways they interact with buildings, so that they can not only monitor the impact of their behaviour within that building but also take corrective actions. Benchmarking best practice and presenting them in a youth-friendly format is the way we help you do it.

As an example teachers at Sutton Park Community Primary School in Kidderminster are doing their best to ensure that their pupils do not take the world’s natural resources for granted. They have been helped in this quest by the Trend system, part of whose function is to educate the children about the importance of energy conservation and sustainable living.

The pupils at Sutton Park can look at BEMS collected data about their school – through custom-designed, child-friendly graphic pages to view system monitored data such as room temperatures and CO2 concentrations within the schools.

Read why a Trend BEMS is a smart solution for energy management and air quality in schools.

If you would like to improve the visibility of your energy usage contact us…