
    Flame Detectors

    243019. Flame Detector

    Conventional IR flame detector are used indoors normally against addressable loops via address modules / transponders.


    Conventional IR flame detector are used indoors normally against addressable loops via address modules / transponders. The detector is powered via the address unit / transponder like other conventional detectors. It is available in standard and Ex Edition. 601F-M is an advanced IR flame detector with optical filter that makes it immune to sunlight and most common blind alarm phenomena. The detector is intended for indoor use. 601FEx-M is an intrinsically safe version intended for use in Ex areas, which is connected via a zener / isolato barrier.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Do not be blinded by oil film or minor contamination
    • Connects to address unit / transponder as a regular conventional detector
    • Easy installation


    • Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature
      • -20 degree Celsius
    • Enclosure Material
      • Plastic
    • Detector Type
      • Infrared


    • Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature
      • -20 degree Celsius
    • Enclosure Material
      • Plastic
    • Detector Type
      • Infrared
    • Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature : -20 degree Celsius
    • Enclosure Material : Plastic
    • Detector Type : Infrared