
    Your building needs to work for you. Honeywell can help make it happen.

    Led by a global team of our top service experts and engineers, Honeywell can significantly reduce the burden of managing and maintaining your facility. From our Global Remote Building Operations Centers (RBOCs), we’re able to proactively solve many problems remotely, while improving energy efficiency and uptime. And when a problem requires a licensed technician onsite, we can take care of that too.

    Save time and money. Improve uptime. Enhance safety and compliance. And provide a better occupant experience for everyone.

    Combined with our Global RBOC teams, Honeywell Remote Building Operations are made possible by the Honeywell Forge Platform. This cloud-based platform enables us to manage your facility remotely. It also empowers us with data analytics and actionable insights for improving your facility’s performance and efficiency.

    We can monitor your facility for you, 24/7/365

    From our RBOC, we’ll take action when necessary to help prevent downtime and reduce the need to dispatch field service teams.

    And when onsite service, repair or replacement is required, our global network of field service personnel can be employed to address the issue for you. Or we can notify your building manager and third-party service provider if you already have one.

    In addition, you’ll receive regular performance reports to support your ongoing building management and compliance efforts.

    Save money by consuming up to 20% less energy with optional guaranteed savings models.

    Reduce the need for on-site service by your staff or a third party.

    Ensure maximum uptime with 24/7/365 remote monitoring and response for critical alarms.

    Secure systems to reduce the threat of data breaches and cyberattacks with next generation hardware, software and monitoring services.

    Improve the occupant experience and ensure regulatory requirements are met with indoor air quality monitoring, safety and security tracking, problem alerts, and more.

    Isn’t it time your building started working for you?

    Honeywell can help make it happen.