Specialty Modules
Isolator Module
Isolator Module by Notifier is used with FireWarden Series panels to protect the system against wire-to-wire short circuits on the SLC loop.
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The NOTIFIER N100-ISO(A) Fault Isolator Module is used with FireWarden Series panels to protect the system against wire-to-wire short circuits on the SLC loop. The N100-ISO(A) should be placed between each device on the SLC loop to isolate a short-circuit problem between the modules. It is required for true Style 7 operation so that other devices can continue to operate normally in the event of a short-circuit on the SLC.
Features & Benefits:- Powered by SLC loop directly, no external power required
- Mounts in standard junction boxes
- Integral LED blinks to indicate normal condition. Illuminates steady when short circuit condition is detected
- High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.
- UL Listed: S635
- CSFM: 7300-0028:0238
- MEA: 427-91-E Vol. 9
- FM Approved.
- Product Type
- Fault Isolator Module
- Brand
- System Sensor
- Product Type
- Fault Isolator Module
- Brand
- System Sensor
- Product Type : Fault Isolator Module
- Brand : NOTIFIER|System Sensor
Data Sheet
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