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We’ll put all our energy toward helping you manage yours

Energy plans designed to keep your customer, employee, and your CFO, comfortable

Our teams work to create an energy management plan that fits your multisite enterprise perfectly. They’ll offer a portfolio of hardware, software, and services that are flexible, scalable and efficient. Your CFO gets maximum energy savings, and your customers and employees get a comfortable environment.

Identify the best opportunities for savings, then hit your targets

Together, we’ll develop a plan that’s driven by efficiency—targeting the areas that represent the greatest opportunity for energy savings, while also maintaining comfort.  We offer integrated software, hardware and services packages to deliver:

  • Flexible and scalable energy monitoring and management solutions
  • Swift and efficient action on energy alarms and anomalies.
  • Immediate identification of energy exceptions across an entire portfolio so you can act and address the problem sooner
  • Tracking of realized savings through energy conservation measures based on the IPMVP protocol
  • Use of AI to assist in tracking energy usage and identifying trends
Integrated comfort solution
Integrated comfort solution

Every enterprise has different needs, so we designed our services accordingly


The Standard Level is perfect if you’re able to manage your own enterprise, but still need additional support tools to monitor and manage your energy usage.  Standard Level includes:

  • Energy dashboards allowing you to monitor energy usage and gain a well-rounded, analytical view of energy consumption across your enterprise
  • Actionable alerts that indicate when energy usage falls outside parameters and baselines, allowing analysts to take remediation actions and drive savings

The Premier Level is designed for those who are equipped internally to manage their own energy usage but could benefit from expert consultation. This level provides the tools and partners to guide you toward greater energy savings. The Premier level adds:

  • Development of an Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) plan, with annual review, to provide a roadmap to energy savings
  • Consulting with an Energy Engineer on how to best implement your ECM plan
  • Quarterly review and development of energy dashboards to provide additional insight across the enterprise
  • Ongoing oversite and guidance by an Energy Engineer to ensure you are getting the most value from the solution
Premier Plus

Suppose you don’t have the staff to support an energy savings initiative, but you still need to slash energy costs. That’s when we’d suggest the Premier Plus Level, which builds upon the Premier offering, and adds:

  • An energy team assigned to manage energy across your entire enterprise
  • Continuous, active commissioning and store-level energy management
  • Implementation and ongoing enforcement of the ECM plan
  • Ongoing outlier management and adjustments based upon insights gleaned from the custom energy dashboards
  • Monthly Measurement & Verification (M&V) to detail the results of our efforts

With our free energy analysis, you already start saving money

At no cost to you, we’ll outline a plan that could save you an average of over $1 million annually, and we don’t even need to visit your sites. With just 6-12 months of your energy bills and average store size, our industry-leading tools will produce your free report (a $4,800 value) that shows how you can save at least 5-8% on your overall energy spend.

Then, just give us the word, and our energy engineers will develop and execute your plan, providing expert, active management of your system, maximizing shopper comfort and lowering your operating costs. Some companies have realized savings as high as $3 million per year. Yours could be one of them.

Bring your spiraling energy costs under control

Controlling the energy costs for one building is important enough, but when you can slash costs for a multisite operation, the savings and environmental impact are that much more significant. Honeywell has helped companies achieve dramatic energy savings for over 100 years. We’d like to do the same for yours.

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