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- The First Defense for a Healthier Building
The First Defense for a Healthier Building
Social distancing. Contact tracing. Screening. Lockdown. PPE. While these terms aren’t necessarily new – they are new to our day-to-day vernacular due. As a global community we are learning and adapting to these practices, but as a buildings industry we must figure out a way to implement them to safely and thoughtfully bring people back to offices, airports, schools, hotels and all types of buildings that we typically use.
These practices will also be essential aspects of new occupant expectations: that a space is not just safer but also healthier. Implementing these new policies and practices is the first challenge. The second is sustaining compliance. Many buildings may already have systems that can help answer both challenges already installed in their buildings: integrated security systems.
Get the Most of Analytics
Video systems can do more than capture and store video images of events and issues. They can deliver powerful analytics that can identify trends, track patterns and help you to better understand how occupants use a space. These analytics can help to implement and comply with practices like social distancing by understanding how a space is used. Intuitive space allocation within buildings can minimize overcrowding in high density areas in buildings, potentially reducing the chance of exposure during an outbreak of illness. A video system can also help with people counting, people flow control, facial recognition, thermal screening and PPE detection to help building owners minimize.
No Touch, Just Go
Frictionless and mobile-based access control is also even more relevant now. Removing the need for occupants to physically touch readers, doors and other access points may reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria. Additionally, mobile access allows building managers to configure and restrict access on an individual occupant and access point basis. For example, if parts of the building have been exposed to contaminants and access needs to be restricted to that area, mobile applications allow building managers to quickly change credential access. Mobile technology can also allow facility managers to remotely monitor for intrusions and loitering, especially when properties are empty thus optimizing cost.
Comply to a New Normal
Technology that provides real-time data can directly help foster a healthier building. Access to video analytics and forensic analysis can allow building operators observe that social distancing guidelines are being followed. Additionally, if contagious diseases are identified within buildings, security solutions can be used to trace the individual’s pathway to notify those who may been exposed and tie it back with additional quarantine and cleaning steps defined as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Incident Workflow management in how an organization responses to such situations.
Using existing technology in new ways can help make a safer and healthier environment and create business continuity. While we all adapt our personal behaviors and how we interact with the spaces we use, these technologies can also help building owners to minimize potential risks and gain more control over safety and security factors across their organizations. Learn more about how to use a security system to build a healthier environment.
Contributed by Vikas Chadha, Vice President and General Manager, Commercial Security, Honeywell
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International Inc.
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