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Honeywell provides a single point of control, including customized software and automation
Data Centers
A holistic view to optimize uptime, reduce costs and achieve sustainable operations.
Custom solutions to improve campus safety, energy efficiency, emergency systems, and more.
Connect with guests through better experiences, greener technology, and secure data.
Industrial & Manufacturing
Reduce facility costs, improve sustainability and better protect workers.
Commercial Buildings
Integrate with climate control, fire, life safety and access control systems on a single screen.
Justice & Corrections
Help reduce costs, manage risk and incidents more effectively, enable rehabilitation with automation
Government & Military
We have helped agencies around the world with smart building automation and technology
Optimize an entire operation, from two buildings to two hundred.
Connect systems and staff to technology and automation to enhance safety, awareness, performance
Smart Cities
Integration and automation to improve urban mobility, waste management, emergency services, lighting
Automation Solutions
Automation Solutions
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Correctional facilities can also be rehabilitated
Correctional facilities face complex challenges: enhancing security protocols to manage physical and cyber threats, building resilience against fluctuating inmate populations and unexpected crises, and upgrading ageing facilities to become more sustainable and efficient. Navigating these issues requires a holistic, technology-led approach to create a stable and effective rehabilitation environment.
Build awareness, responsiveness and confidence
With our open platform, you can integrate hundreds of different edge devices and point solutions for a near seamless exchange of information. You’ll be commanding a system with exceptional situational awareness for a more coordinated response.

Command better outcomes for your critical high-risk facility
Whether you’re managing a minimum or maximum security facility, you know that the challenges are immense: a fluctuating prisoner population, aging infrastructure, not enough skilled staff, continual security threats and ever-present budget constraints.
Honeywell can help. Download our brochure to learn more about our comprehensive security platform.
Take control with greater automation
Honeywell’s Command and Control Suite, a Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) Platform, has been designed for the corrections environment.
Streamline your investigations
Honeywell’s Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI) system now features Incident Dossier capabilities, helping to bridge the gap between initial investigation and ongoing evidence management.
A sustainable approach to rehabilitation
Manage energy usage and improve resource efficiency within your facility. Our portfolio of sustainability solutions can help.
We know the complexities of correctional facilities
Our global corrections team has experience ranging from small facilities to state-run correctional departments. More than 200 correctional facilities worldwide use Honeywell solutions and services. Get in touch to see how we can help yours.
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