AZW-5000 Wireless Transceiver
The Alerton® AZW-5000 Wireless Transceiver provides the wireless extension of a BACnet network using mesh networking topology to ensure self-healing, reliable communications.
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The AZW-5000 Wireless Transceiver offers the ability to locate Alerton VisualLogic controllers (VLCs) up to 200 feet away from the nearest wired or wireless connection point. Three or more AZW-5000s make up a wireless mesh network. Each AZW-5000 Wireless Transceiver on that network supports an MS/TP network with one or more unitary controllers (VLC, VLD, VAV, or MS/TP Microset). Each AZW-5000 also supports up to 50 Alerton Wireless Temperature Sensors (WTS1000 or WTS-1050). As with wired networks, the number of devices on a wireless network must be managed carefully to optimize network traffic.
Features & Benefits:- Flexible
- Dynamic
- Reliable
- Ul
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