Plant & Integration Controllers
IQ4NC Controller
The IQ4NC enables Trend networks on different media (either Ethernet, Trend current loop, or MS/TP) to be joined together in various configurations.
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The IQ4NC enables Trend networks on different media (either Ethernet, Trend current loop, or MS/TP) to be joined together in various configurations. It provides 4 virtual CNCs which allow supervisors or tools on the Ethernet network to connect to the Trend system.
The IQ4NC/00 has no I/O channels, the IQ4NC/12 has 12, the IQ4NC/16/... and IQ4NC/32/have 16 I/O channels. External I/O modules enable the IQ4NC/32/... to be expanded to 32 I/O channels.
Features & Benefits:- Trend system interface with MS/TP trunk (e.g. IQecos)
- BACnet over MS/TP ? Extend Trend network from Ethernet to Trend current loop
- BACnet over IP
- Communication mode configuration facilitated by IQ web pages
- INC alarm forwarding (e.g. enabling IQeco alarms to be forwarded to an IP address
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