Manual Call Point/Pull Station Parts
DMK18 Digital Key Module
The DMK18 Digital Key Modules have been designed to be used for extending VARIODYN D1 Digital Call Stations upto 300m via Cat5 cables.
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The DMK18 Digital Key Modules have been designed to be used for extending VARIODYN D1 Digital Call Stations upto 300m via Cat5 cables. They come with 18 freely configurable keys and 18 LEDs. Up to 6 of these DKM18 key modules can be connected to one DCS15 and/or DCS2. Thus communication units with up to 120 keys and 120 LEDs are possible.
Features & Benefits:- EN 54-16 certified
- Communication units with up to 120 keys and 120 LEDs are possible
- VdS
- EN54-16
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