Interface Cards
Interface Module RP1r
The ITAC module allows the communication of RP1r extinguishing control panels’ events to ID50, ID3000, ZX or DX fire alarm control panels.
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The ITAC module allows the communication of RP1r extinguishing control panels’ events to ID50, ID3000, ZX or DX fire alarm control panels. The bidirectional communication is always monitored to avoid the use of relay contacts for transmission to the analogue loop.
The ITAC module is connected to the extinguishing control panel communications loop at one end (I2C) and to the analogue loop at the other end, from which any change in alarm or fault zones is sent individually to ID50/60 or ID3000 control panels. Two rotoswitches are provided inside ITAC in order to select the start module addresses for transmitting information. A short-circuit isolator is also included to allow the loop input and output to be independent
Features & Benefits:- Relay included
- Short-circuit isolator options
- Two plug connector with three terminal each one
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