Power Supplies
Alerton Integration Engine Power Supply
The Alerton Integration Engine power supply is the base device for Alerton Integration Engine controllers (A-2, A-6 and A-7), providing power for up to four AIE controllers. These require a 24V AC power supply.
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The Alerton Integration Engine power supply is the base device for Alerton Integration Engine controllers (A-2, A-6 and A-7), providing power for up to four AIE controllers. These require a 24V AC power supply.
Features & Benefits:- Scalable
- Supports up to 4 Alerton Integration Engine controllers
- UL 916
- C-UL listed to Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
- C22.2 No. 205-M1983 “Signal Equipment”
- CE
- FCC part 15 Class A
- RoHS compliant
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