
    System Configuration Software

    Employee Input /Output Workflow Internet

    Employees (MA) can do their input / output via Internet / Intranet using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.


    Employees (MA) can do their input / output via Internet / Intranet using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. The software option of the extended workflow II offers the employee extensive information, e.g. B. via employee journal, wage accounts, vacation accounts, and an annual overview. So Traffic light as a greeting can be assigned to the employee when logging in the browser. Furthermore, authorization to view the traffic light panel in the browser can be assigned.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Information and correction options for the superior or time officer
    • Real-time information on requested plans / corrections by employees
    • Feedback to the applicant, HR office, etc
    • Possibility of forwarding the applications to a deputy


    • Brand
      • Honeywell Security


    • Brand
      • Honeywell Security
    • Brand : Honeywell Security
    Part Number
    Leaf Category
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