Zone & Unitary Controllers
Alerton BACnet Advanced Controller
VLCA-1688 is a BACnet advanced application controller (B-AAC) with a real-time clock, high resolution 12-bit A/D; D/A converter and a 32-bit processor.
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The Alerton® BACtalk® VLCA-1688 is a BACnet advanced application controller (B-AAC) with a real-time clock, high resolution 12-bit A/D; D/A converter and a 32-bit processor. The VLCA-1688 includes on-board Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switches, Ethernet connectivity, and complex math functions. It also leverages DDC Function blocks that calculate additional DDC analog functions.
As a B-AAC controller, the VLCA-1688 integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system. The VLCA-1688 supports 10Base-T and 100Base-Tx on BACnet/Ethernet or BACnet/IP. It communicates at up to 115.2 Kbps on a BACnet MS/TP LAN or can operate as a stand-alone controller using its own real-time clock.
There is memory allocated to supporting BACnet objects, including a minimum of 3 BACnet schedule objects: Standard, Holiday and Event; 50 trendlogs at 60-second intervals; and 25 alarms. Other BACnet features include change of value (COV) support and writeable object names.
The VLCA-1688 offers many control logic functions and user adjustable DDC loop execution speed, and can execute more complex calculations to meet the needs of increasingly complex sequence of operations in mechanical systems.
Features & Benefits:- Capable 16 universal inputs, eight binary outputs and eight analog outputs
- Interoperable 10Base-T/100Base-Tx BACnet/ Ethernet or BACnet/IP LAN or BACnet MS/TP LAN at up to 115.2 Kbps
- Flexible HOA switches and potentiometers provide ability to perform manual overrides of binary and analog outputs
- Powerful Complex DDC control logic math and analog functions monitored by software
- Fast User-selectable internal logic loop of 50 mS or 100 mS
- Reliable Extensive on-board filtering, with all program and configuration data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory
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