Fire Alarm Control Panels
JCPU2-640 Central Processing Unit
JCPU2-640 Central Processing Units are used in stand-alone and network systems that requires a main display. On single JCPU2-640/-640E systems, the optional JNCA-2 can be used as the primary display.
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JCPU2-640 Central Processing Units are used in stand-alone and network systems that requires a main display. On single JCPU2-640/-640E systems, the optional JNCA-2 can be used as the Primary Display for the panel and connects directly to the JCPU2-640/-640E. The JCPU2-640 fills three positions (left to right) in the first-installed layer (the back of the chassis); its integral power supply occupies the center two positions in the next two layers; the optional display occupies (the left) two positions at the front, flush with the door.
Features & Benefits:- Used in stand-alone and network systems that require a main display
- Includes CPU factory-mounted on a chassis, one Signaling Line Circuit expandable to two, installation, programming and operating manuals
- Backlit, 640-character display
- Brand
- Brand
- Brand : NOTIFIER
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