Enclosure Mounts & Hardware
TouchCenter Plus Case Back Accessory
TouchCenter plus case back accessories are available with high installation depth suitable for holding fixture of front unit inclusive electronics for LED, LED / LCD and touch keypad.
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TouchCenter plus case back accessories are available with high installation depth suitable for holding fixture of front unit inclusive electronics for LED, LED / LCD and touch keypad. In order to create individual colour scheme case back accessories combined with 013011, 013013, 013015 LED front units, 013021, 013023, 013025 LED / LCD front units and 013031, 013033, 013035 touch front units. The newly developed graphics operating device TouchCenter plus as successor of TouchCenter Tuxedo offers simple, fast, secure ease of use and intuitive user interface. The TouchCenter plus for BUS-2 enables user's hazard detection system to be intuitively dialog managed.
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