FlexES Control Panels Printer
FlexES control panels printers are parallel recording devices mounted as a table printer or, depending on the wall-mounting bracket, on the wall, next to the FACP.
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FlexES control panels printers are parallel recording devices on a FlexES control fire alarm control panel. Power to printers is supplied via an external power adapter or optionally from the FACP. The printers can be mounted as an external table printer or, depending on the wall-mounting bracket, on the wall, next to the FACP. The connection is made via the TTY interface or RS485 interface of the FlexES Control.
Features & Benefits:- Master/slave CPU by redundant control module
- Combinable loop/spur technology with decentralized intelligence
- Freely configurable functionality of modules
- 4 free programmable dry contacts and 1 output for alarm transmission unit (ATU)
- VdS
- EN
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