Trunking Fittings
Pinnacle External Corner
Pinnacle External Corners are a range of products manufactured from PVCu for robust performance.
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Pinnacle External Corners are a range of products manufactured from PVCu for robust performance.
Features & Benefits:- This accessory is compatible with the MK Pinnale range that boasts the following features & benefits:
- Benchtop Access To Power - Provides easy access to power, data & communications services
- Unique Curved Appearance - Total physical and visual integration with the MK Logic Plus™ range
- Versatility - MK Pinnacle is versatile. Available in single or double configuration, it can be installed with a choice of two profile heights and fascia angles
- Pre-fabricated Corners - Provides maximum flexibility, system integrity and protection.
- Cable Segregation - Two separate compartments provide cable segregation with the facility to further subdivide the main compartment by means of a clip-in cable divider
- All Extrusions manufactured from 100% recycled material
- 5 year guarantee
- BSEN50085-1:2005
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