Cooker Controls
MK Dimensions Cooker Control Modules
Cooker Control Module Moulded, Flush, 45A, DP, Main Switch and 13A Switchsocket Outlet With Neons.
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MK Dimensions Cooker Control Modules are rated at 45A to provide local switch control of cookers and ovens whilst also offering the convenience and flexibiliy of a 13A switched socket within the same product, each comes with a protective clear Frontplate.
Features & Benefits:- MK Dimensions Cooker Control Modules are rated at 45A to provide local switch control of cookers and ovens whilst also offering the convenience and flexibiliy of a 13A switched socket within the same product, each comes with a protective clear Frontplate. All the sockets have DP switching as standard with Neon indications. Products shoud be used with Faceplates from the MHFP Series
- 3 Pin "child resistant" safety shutter stystem on 13A socket outlet inhibits access to power unless all 3 pins of a BS plug are inserted. Made from high grade polycarbonate
- Toggle action switches for easier user operation.
- Replaceable neon indicators.
- Backed out, in line terminals for easier installation.
- Double pole switching with additional electrical safety from the neutral pole contact "makes first" & "breaks last" after the Live contact.
- Printed terminal markings on grey rear moulding for clearer identification.
- 20 year guarantee.
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