Housings & Hardware
Key Safe Cylinder
The key safe cylinder and key safe are delivered with a hinged door in stainless steel and Kromer Convar reprogrammable key lock which has over 700,000 key variants. The key safes are delivered set to the standard key / tool key.
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The key safe cylinder and key safe are delivered with a hinged door in stainless steel and Kromer Convar reprogrammable key lock which has over 700,000 key variants. The key safes are delivered set to the standard key / tool key.
The fire service will reprogram to its unique key after installation. (This is done when the alarm is connected and the master key to the building is inserted.) A magnetic contact (NC) with connection to the alarm system gives a signal when trying to open or cut the cable. The magnetic contact is connected by an approved installer of the system. The NC connector connects directly to the alarm transmission unit (the alarm transmitter) and notifies the fire brigade if anyone tries to break it. The key safes have been tested in accordance with the requirements of the Insurance Companies' Approval Board (FG).
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