Power Supplies
FlexES Control Power Supply Extension
Additional power supply for extension of the power supply in the basic control panel set. The power supply extension supplements the existing panel power supply with an additional 150 W via a plugin line connection.
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A maximum of 450 W is available at 24 V per panel by “cascading” power supply modules. Each power supply module can monitor and charge 2 x 2 batteries 12 V/24 Ah or 12 V/12 Ah fulfilling the required emergency power buffering time by EN 54-4. A maximum battery capacity of 24 V/48 Ah per power supply is available, which may be increased up to 144 Ah with three power supply modules. Thus, the system has sufficient energy reserves for alarm zones, fire protection equipment and indicating devices, line smoke and heat detectors as well as other detection and control equipment of the system.
Optionally, the power supply can be installed in a redundant ring wiring. A “three-phase supply” (400 V) is also possible offering the advantage of separate phase supply for each power supply module. Even in the event of a loss of one phase, two more power supplies are still available to supply the system.
Features & Benefits:- For the power supply in the basic control panel set
- Made from strong ABS
- Glass fibre for reinforcement
- Additional 150 W via a plug-in line connection
Data Sheet
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