Aspirating Smoke Detector
Signaling Line Circuit
Honeywell Notifier’s Signaling Line Circuit-Integration Module provides a communication link between a VESDAnet network and a Fire Alarm Control Panel SLC loop via the High Level Interface VHX-1420-HFS.
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Honeywell Notifier’s Signaling Line Circuit-Integration Module provides a communication link between a VESDAnet network and a Fire Alarm Control Panel SLC loop via the High Level Interface VHX-1420-HFS. The module allows mapping of alarms and faults from VESDA detectors onto FACP monitor module addresses. The SLC-IM translates VESDAnet protocol to SLC protocol, enabling VESDA detector events on the VESDAnet to be annunciated by an FACP.
Features & Benefits:- Communicates with the VESDAnet via an RS-232 connection
- Supervises the connection to the VHX-1420-HFS HLI
- Provides 159 Flash Scan® monitor module addresses
- Provides individual alarm annunciation
- Uses seven user-defined Flash Scan monitor module
- Supports up to 22 VESDA detectors on one SLC loop
- Supports Style 4 and Style 6 configurations on the VESDAnet network.
- UL / ULC
Data Sheet
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