B200SR Sounder and LF Sounder Bases
The B200SR sounder and LF sounder bases are fully compatible with existing B501BH Series sounder base installations. The device enables users to select one of two B501-supported tones (ANSI Temporal 3 or Continuous) through a jumper.
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The B200SR sounder and LF sounder bases are fully compatible with existing B501BH Series sounder base installations. The device enables users to select one of two B501-supported tones (ANSI Temporal 3 or Continuous) through a jumper.
Features & Benefits:- Bases enable quick and secure detector plug-in
- SEMS screws provide easy wiring connection
- Support for 12-24 AWG provides installation flexibility
- Multiple accessory options provide mounting flexibility
- Sounder bases are ULC listed as an audible signal appliance Bases enable quick and secure detector plug-in
- UL/ULC Listed: S1115
- FM Approved
- CSFM: 7300-1653:0109, 7300-1653:0126, 7300-1653:0213, 7300-1653:0236
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