Temperature & Humidity Transmitters
CO2 Temperature Humidity Transmitter
The AQS Temperature Transmitters set new standards in CO2 measurements in HVAC applications. Operation is based on the infrared principle
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The AQS Temperature Transmitters set new standards in CO2 measurements in HVAC applications. Operation is based on the infrared principle. A calibration-free procedure compensates for aging of the infrared source and ensures outstanding long-term stability. The AQS provide 0 to 10 V analog output for CO2 and temperature and are designed for HVAC applications. They are suitable for direct wiring with universal and voltage controlled inputs. Additionally, the AQS-KAM-xx Temperature Transmitters feature a built-in passive temperature sensor. The AQS-KAM-RH-V Temperature Sensor is equipped with a relative humidity sensor.
Features & Benefits:- Calibration-free technology
- Outstanding long-term stability
- Maintenance free
- Universal mounting flange
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