Water Detectors
Ultrasonic Liquid Level LoRaWAN Sensor
R718PE is a wireless communication device that uses ultrasound to detect the level of fluid in a vessal.
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R718PE is a wireless communication device that uses ultrasound to detect the distance between the device and the detected object. The medium the device detects is the air, so the detected object can be any liquid or solid that has a flat and horizontal surface, water level for example. The main body and the sensor of R718PE communicates via the UART serial port, and the detected data can be transmitted via LoRaTM communication. Application examples include water level monitoring of water tank or well, detect horizontal surface distance value, or solid object level detection.
Features & Benefits:- Integrates with Honeywell Remote Building Manager
- Compatible with LoRaWAN Class A
- Frequency hoppin spread spectrum (FHSS)
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