Interface Cards
Printer / Serial Interface
Printer Interface for AM Series control panels (Fire and Gas) with 4 additional RS232/485 serial outputs, each selectable, with CEIABI or MODBUS protocol. To be used in combination with SIB600-OEM. Equipped with printer 25 PIN connector cable.
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Printer Interface for AM Series control panels (Fire and Gas) with 4 additional RS232/485 serial outputs, each selectable, with CEIABI or MODBUS protocol. To be used in combination with SIB600-OEM. Equipped with printer 25 PIN connector cable.
Features & Benefits:- Multi-address interface for NOTIFIER AM Series control panels
- Provides a serial output with 7 wires for printer
- Four serial output with 3 wires CEI-ABI/MODBUS suitable for supervision system connection
- Printer output performs 3 printing modes: on-line, log, system
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