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    Victory 122 Series HOA Relay

    Victory 122 Series HOA Relays are a part of Honeywell. These relays have concealed HOA switches for local control and troubleshooting with limited unauthorized switch manipulation.


    Honeywell brings Victory 122 Series HOA relays that has some exclusive qualities such as having a concealed HOA switch for local control. These relays have troubleshooting with limited unauthorized switch manipulation. To further guard against control system override, the V122 are equipped with a monitored HOA. The V122 provides a two-wire resistive.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Protective cover conceals and the HOA switch thereby preventing the tampering
    • Switch position monitors allows the control system to notify personnel anel space
    • Flexible wires fits easily in tight space
    • UL508
    Honeywell will provide product support until
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    Enclosed Relay, SPDT, 20A, Monitored HOA, Resistive
    Enclosed Relay, SPDT, 20A, Monitored HOA, Resistive