Linear Actuators
VPI Series Pressure Independent Actuator
Honeywell provides VPI series pressure independent actuators for integrating the flow, pressure and temperature control functions in a single valve.
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Honeywell VPI series provides modulating control with full authority regardless of any fluctuations in the differential pressure of the system. Honeywell VPI series combines an externally adjustable automatic balancing valve, a differential pressure control valve and a full authority modulating control valve. Honeywell VPI series makes it simple to achieve 100% control of the water flow in the building, while creating high comfort and energy savings at the same time. An additional benefit is that no balancing is required if further stages are added to the system, or if the dimensioned capacity is changed. Energy saving due to optimal control, lower flow and pump pressure. Maximized ΔT due to faster response and increased system stability.
Certifications:- EN 60730
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