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    Controller Licenses

    A3-E Memory Expansion

    The I-NPM-256 is a memory upgrade option for the Alerton Integrated Engine A3-E. Memory upgrade option can be used to Upgrade A3-E JAVA Heap from 24MB up to 96MB.


    The I-NPM-256 is a memory upgrade option for the Alerton Integrated Engine A3-E. Alerton’s Integration Engine A3-E is a compact, embedded controller/server platform. It combines integrated control, supervision, data logging, alarming, scheduling and network management functions with Internet connectivity and web serving capabilities in a small, compact platform. The A3-E makes it possible to control and manage external devices over the Internet and present real time information to users in web-based graphical views. Memory upgrade option can be used to Upgrade A3-E JAVA Heap from 24MB up to 96MB.

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