Housings & Hardware
End-of-Line Module
End-of-line module for the end of the VARIODYN D1 voice alarm system loudspeaker line for standard compliant monitoring, when more than 20 loudspeakers are connected to a line. The module is connected to the final loudspeaker at the end of the line.
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End-of-line module for the end of the VARIODYN D1 voice alarm system loudspeaker line for standard compliant monitoring, when more than 20 loudspeakers are connected to a line. The module is connected to the final loudspeaker at the end of the line.
Features & Benefits:- Standard monitoring
- Final element for 100 V of loudspeaker line in 2-wire technology
- Different connection possibilities for optimum line adaptation (3 connections)
- The module is sealed and has therefore an optimum humidity protection
- EN 54-16
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