Combination Strobes
System Sounder
The sounders shall be capable of providing 3 different sound signals, which are selected/configured via the main control panel. Configuration of sounder patterns will not be carried out locally at individual sounders
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The sounders shall be capable of providing 3 different sound signals, which are selected/configured via the main control panel. Configuration of sounder patterns will not be carried out locally at individual sounders. In order to meet with the requirements of BS5839 Part 1, the frequency of sound signals emitted will be as follows: • 800Hz Low tone • 970Hz High tone Each sounder shall include its own microprocessor to handle loop communications and monitoring.
Features & Benefits:- 127 per loop
- Red & White options
- 103 dbA @ 1 metre
- 3 Sound signals
- 2 integral Line Isolators
- EN54 Part 3 & Part 17
- Brand
- Gent
- Brand
- Gent
- Brand : Gent
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