Strobes & Signal Lights
Pan1-Plus Audio Visual-Acoustical Indicator
PAN1-PLUS is a Visual-Acoustical Device designed for all installations in fire detection systems, offices, hotels, malls, hospital and industrial environments.
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PAN1-PLUS is a Visual-Acoustical Device designed for all installations in fire detection systems, offices, hotels, malls, hospital and industrial environments. The Device is certified in compliance with EN54.3, EN54.23 and with Italian standard TR 11607 that set the main frequency for hotels between 0,5 Hz and 1Khz. PAN1-PLUS is manufactured with not combustible, self-extinguishing and retardant materials. The Text label film is made of PMMA (Polymethyl-methacrylate), a slow flammability material. . Text on film, on dark red/ grey background, is lighted and visible when the panel is activated in alarm condition. Available also in different colors: matt white, fire red and matt grey for industrial environments or selectable from a list of RAL colors at our offices. A model is specifically indicated for Extinguishing Systems and is available in same matt yellow RAL color of the call point and provided with two alternate text films for the alarm indication inside and outside the room. PAN1-PLUS is available also without the flash (certified only to EN54-3). The most popular text label films are in our catalogue but user can customize a custom text label films on special order.
Features & Benefits:- Category: Device for wall or recess mounting installation
- Type: A, for internal environments
- INTERNAL BUZZER: intermittent sound 1983Hz
- Main sound pattern: pulsed sound a 1.2Hz
- Available sounds: modulated, pulsed, bitonal, continuous
- EN54-3
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