

    AIE Supervisor

    AIE Supervisors by Alerton are flexible network server used in applications where multiple AIE controllers will be networked together (A-2, A-6 or A-7).


    The Alerton Integration Engine (AIE) Supervisor is a flexible network server used in applications where multiple AIE controllers will be networked together (A-2, A-6 or A-7). The AIE Supervisor serves real-time graphical information displays to standard web browser clients. It also provides server-level functions such as centralized data logging, archiving, alarming, real-time graphical displays, master scheduling, system wide database management, and integration with enterprise software applications. In addition, the AIE Supervisor provides a comprehensive, graphical engineering toolset for application development.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Java-enabled user interface (UI) as well as a non-Java UI for browsers
    • Optional enterprise-level data archival using SQL, Oracle or DB2 database, and HTTP/HTML/XML text formats
    • Sophisticated alarm processing and routing, including e-mail and paging
    • Provides access to alarms, logs, graphics, schedules, and configuration data with a standard web browser
    • Password protection and security using standard Java (on Windows platforms only) authentication and encryption techniques with optional security supported via an external LDAP connection
    • HTML-based help system that includes comprehensive on-line system documentation
    • Provides online/offline use of the Niagara Framework WorkPlace AX® graphical configuration tool and a comprehensive Java Object Library.
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    AIE Supervisor, Intel Pentium® IV, 2 GHz or Higher, Core 2 Duo, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 20032008 Server
    AIE Supervisor, Intel Pentium® IV, 2 GHz or Higher, Core 2 Duo, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 20032008 Server