Honeywell E-Mon™ Class 5000 3-Phase RS485 IP Green Net Smart Meter
Dual-protocol green class submeter with CO2 footprint
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The E-Mon Class 5000 Green Net meter is a 3-phase meter with communications. The device is used to monitor electric power usage of individual loads after the utility meter and store kW and kVAR data for automatic meter reading. The Class 5000 meter is dual protocol capable and provides both RS485 and Ethernet communications. Installation must only be performed by qualified personnel and in accordance with these instructions and all applicable local and national electrical codes. Ideal for solar, wind and renewable energy applications where net metering energy data is required.
Features & Benefits:
- Advanced 4-line display
- 0-2 volt output split-core current sensors allow for enhanced safety & accurate remote mounting of sensors up to 500 feet from meter without power interruption (optional solid-core sensors available)
- Onboard installation diagnostics and verification system.
- Two external meter inputs (water, gas, etc.) (Channels 5 & 6)
- Phase loss alarm (N.O. Contact)
- Built-in RS-485 communication capability supports up to 52 Class 3200, 3400, 5000, and/or IDR interval recorders (not to exceed 52 devices/channel)
- Cabling can either be daisy-chain or star confi guration, 3-cond., 18-22 AWG, up to 4,000 cable feet total per channel
- Communications include built-in RS-485 & Ethernet, and optional Telephone Modem
- Protocols - EZ7, BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU - BACnet IP, Modbus TCP/IP, & LonWorks TP/FT-10
- Records kWh and kVARh delivered, kWh and kVARh received in first four channels. Data stored in 15-min intervals for up to 72 days or 5-minute intervals for up to 24 days. Maintains data in a first-in, first-out format.
- Compatible with E-Mon Energy software via EZ7 protocol for automatic meter reading, energy billing and profiling.
- Meter is designed for use on both 3-phase, 3-wire (delta) and 3-phase, 4-wire (wye) circuits (includes 3 split-core current sensors)
- Optional single-phase, 3-wire confi guration available. (includes 2 splitcore current sensors.)
- Green JIC steel enclosure with padlocking hasp & mounting flanges for indoor installation with one 1 1/16” KO (3/4” cond.) on bottom of enclosure
- Optional gray NEMA 4X polycarbonate enclosure available with padlocking hasp & mounting fl anges for indoor/outdoor installation (stand alone) with one 1 1/16” KO on bottom of enclosure
- ANSI C12.20
- UL-listed
- IEC 664
- BACnet MS/TP
- IP protocol is BTL listed
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