Energy Management Software
INNCOM INNcontrol 5 Software
Property-wide guestroom analytics and energy management system
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- Property Dashboards for Real-Time Monitoring : Monitor energy use and occupancy status by room, and property-wide.
- Mobile Alerts for Operational Efficiency: Real-time comfort alarms and equipment alarms so you can respond before guests are affected.
- Intuitive Interface for Powerful Control: Web-based interface is easy to navigate and use in the office or on the go.
- Networked Lighting Reporting to Set the Mood: See in-room lighting status, and get alerts for issues.
- Secure Cloud Hosting for Cost-Effective Access: Simplifies both centralized and onsite management.
- Upgrade to Premium: Optimal Insights and Control from Anywhere: Manage multiple sites with the Portfolio Level Dashboard with real-time property analytics via the Analytics Dashboard.
- Analytics Dashboard for Informed Decisions: Use big-data insights, such as system-health analysis and room-trend analysis, to optimize your operations – and your guests’ experiences.
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